
Friday, March 11, 2011

High School Haze Days…

This post may be a bit heavy, and will contain some mature content. It contains drug references and may be triggering to some people. So please, read with caution…
I last left off telling my “story” (here) and I was now a completely different person than I had been before the incident. Although I  had Holly reach out to me, I had no desire to talk about what I was going through. Now I am not going to sit here and say I was a complete angel before that Halloween, because I wasn’t. However looking back I can say that something changed inside of me. It was like all logical thinking was gone and I was angry. But most importantly I think the major things that changed about me was that I no longer cared.. I no longer cared about my life, school, family, or even myself for that matter. I also started hanging out with different people than the friends that I had grown up.
I am sure this was evident by my behaviors. Unfortunately around this time partying because a constant in my inner city high school. Drugs and alcohol were everywhere you turned.. in classes, outside school, etc. It was like an epidemic took over and most of my graduating class were the ones to get “sick”. Myself included. My new friends and I had no desire to attend classes and all we did was pretty much skip school and get stoned. As you can imagine my grades fell, and really quick. Even when I did attend school, I was nothing but disruptive. This “lifestyle” I had gotten myself into went on for the majority of my high school, until eventually my high school just got tired of me and decided it was better for me not attend, and I was in no shape to attend anyways.
However, what I didn’t realize at this time was that not only was my lifestyle all fun and games, it was also deadly. By the time I left school my senior year I was actually “addicted” to my fun partying ways…
-To be continued.


Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said...

I think its so brave and wonderful that you are putting your story out there.

Amy said...

@Tina @ Faith Fitness FunThanks! And thanks for commenting! You totally made my not so fun day AMAZING!!!

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